Sourdough Starter # 1: How To
Herman Sourdough Starter "Passing the Cup"
Hi everybody :)
I been very busy around here lately.
And I been making sourdough starters. Two starters to be exact, the first starter recipe is the Herman Sourdough starter the second is a starter from Taste of Home. After during some intense reading and practicing, today I'm ready to sharing with you the steps in making your own Sourdough Starters.
The story behind the Herman Sourdough Starter is that it was pass around in the South like gossip :) In the spirit of Southern hospitality, a cup of the starter was given to a friend with recipes and instructions on how to use and care for it. In turn, the friend would pass it along to another one with the same information and so on.
Being a southern and in hopes of keeping the tradition going I bring you my "cup" of sourdough starter :)
Herman Sourdough Starter adapted Southern Living 1982 Annual Recipes
1 package dry yeast
1/2 cup warm water (105° to 115°)
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons sugar
2 cup, warm water (105° to 115°)
Herman Food (recipe follows)
Dissolve yeast in 1/2 cup warm water: let stand 5 minutes. Combine next 3 ingredients in a medium-size nonmetal bowl; mix well. Gradually stir in 2 cups warm water. Add yeast mixture, and mix well.
Cover loosely with plastic wrap or cheesecloth and let stand in a warm place (80° to 85°) for 72 hours, stirring 2 to 3 times daily. The pictures below are how it look
After 3 Days: Herman Sourdough Starter
The bubbly mixture before stirring the mixture have separated, it okay because that what it do. You would notice little bubbles will appear at the top.
Just stir the mixture to combine. Do this several times a day or at least 3.
To Use: Remove sourdough starter from refrigerator and let stand at room temperature at least 1 hour. Stir well, and measure amount of starter needed for recipe. Replenish remaining starter with Herman Food, and return to refrigerator; use within 2 to 14 days, stirring daily.
Repeat the procedure for using and replenishing Herman
Yield: about 7 cups.
Herman Food:
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup milk
Stir all ingredients into sourdough starter, and refrigerate.
Herman Sourdough Starter Food, mixing
Herman Sourdough Starter after food added.
Note: Herman Sourdough Starter may be frozen. Before using, let thaw at room temperature until mixture is bubbly (about 5 hours).
To freeze remove desired amount you wish to freeze. Place in freezer containers. Date and label. Thaw and use within 1 year.
I measure out the starter, I'm freezing.
The two smaller container are for the freezer the middle container is for more yummy bread recipes I will be posting later, so stay tune :)
What I think:
Although this experience was a bit tiresome with the days and hours of waiting, the results was well worth it. "NO PAIN, NO GLORY!"
Herman (Amish) friendship bread was my last craze. I had to stop or we were going to have it coming out of our ears (or stomach). In the process, I did find some great recipes that you should check out on my website. My favorite by far was the gingerbread so I recommend you try it :) YUM!!!!